Tuesday, November 3, 2009

It is a new week! 

I decided last week that I needed to do more than feel stick in the house so I have signed up to sell Discovery Toys. I love them and they are great for developmental growth whether the child is special needs or not.

I am enduring the battle of the toddler.  I have two very opinionated toddler girls.  I keep changing my strategy until one works.  Any ideas are welcome.

No news on the home front.  I need to call more architects for bids but have been procrastinating.  I am trying to put most of my time into selling the toys for now because I really love them and I don't know many people which would help.

Halloween was crazy.  I took Angelica out with us.  It was great until the sun went down then it got really cold.  We started out at a Trunk or Treat.  The cars participating were from various car clubs so it was fun for all.  We then hit the grocery store to grab some snacks and drinks for the kids since we had two staying over night.  After that we went to the local mall, Pier Park, for some trick or treating.  That was awesome!  All the stores were participating and we got there before the crowd.  Then we went to a church festival with games and a small train ride.  The kids all had a ton of fun.  Even little Sabrina.  She was so little that she could barely reach some of the games but it was so fun!

My interest in politics is rapidly increasing. I fear that I am boring my husband with my daily newfound knowledge.  I am also in two new classes.  They aren't so bad.  I enjoy both of them.

Well, I am going to go for now. Today is Joseph's birthday so I need to get some treats for his class and I would like to get my name out there more.  It is toy season after all.

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